

                                                                          1.   the mind or intellect.

                                                                         2.   common sense; practical intelligence. 



from beverly hills to the hollywood hills, we've designed comfortable and livable homes for families of all shapes and sizes. your home should be a reflection of your good taste, within your budget to meet your family's needs.


we have extensive experience designing interiors for restaurants , offices and retail spaces. we pride ourselves on incorporating the finest materials in practical ways to produce a space that is timeless and well crafted.

warm environment for a modern beverly hills residence


a custom design 6000+ sf modern home is a challenge to make feel cozy. we introduced natural elements such as walnut wood floors to give an organic and friendly feeling throughout the home.  coupled with a thoughtful low voltage lighting plan to accentuate wall art and create an inviting mood, this home's size doubled by incorporating an indoor/outdoor patio with clean lines that are consistent with the interior design details.



a 30,000+ square foot community center with ballroom.


we designed an elegant and timeless design that surpasses fads or trends in order to appeal to a wide variety of people in a neighborhood community. the project included a ballroom, library,  classrooms, offices, coffee shop, and grand entry hall.



50 year old establishment relocated with an authentic flare


pepe's mexican restaurant is a family-owned landmark in the heart of la canada.  the relocation and design embraces the history and style of it's owners - the bugarin family. the establishment is now thriving with it's warm and multi-functional space for a new generation of dedicated patrons.



an environmentally conscious single famliy home nestled in the hollywood hills.


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